Thursday, February 18, 2010

'India a better model than China'

NEW YORK: India's long-term potential may be greater than China's as the communist giant faces a shrinking work force due to its one child policy, according to a leading American business weekly.

"I believe India has a better model than China, and over time will surpass it in growth," Chief Economist William T Wilson of consultancy Keystone Business Intelligence India said.

Also experts point out China's lack of innovation in industry and its tendency to be wasteful while marching on the growth path can prove to be a major drawback in the next couple of decades.

China 's working-age population will peak at 1 billion in 2015 and then shrink steadily. China then will have to provide for a graying population that has limited etirement benefits

By mid-century, India is expected to have 1.6 billion people - and 220 million more workers than China.

"That could be a source for instability, but a great advantage for growth if the government can provide education and opportunity for India's masses," says Business Week online

Painting a rosy picture, it said New Delhi is just now pushing to open its power, telecom, commercial real estate and retail sectors to foreigners which could lure big capital inflows.

"The pace of institutional changes and the industries being liberalised is phenomenal," it quoted Wilson as saying.

For its part China has yet to prove it can go beyond forced-march industrialization. China directs massive investment into public works and factories, a successful formula for rapid growth and job creation.

"But considering its massive manufacturing output, China is surprisingly weak in innovation. A full 57 per cent of exports are from foreign-invested factories, and China underachieves in software," it adds.

"China has a lot of capability," says Microsoft Chief Technology Officer Craig Mundie. "But when you look under the covers, there is not a lot...

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